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Stressed Woman


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Applying to college is stressful in normal times, but now the uncertainty and ambiguity around applying to college are taking a toll on families.​ 


I aim to decrease stress and confusion as I help students and families navigate the admissions process.  I provide structure, insight, and enthusiasm as we find and apply to colleges that are the best fit academically, socially, and financially.  


I act as a neutral party for families who are stressed about the process or who are too busy to spend the time to navigate the process on their own.



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MGS Educational Consulting helps you design your path post high school.  I will help you figure out who you are and where you belong, so that you thrive in college and beyond. 


My 4 step process includes:


1) Understanding you.  Through MGSed’s suite of assessments (including the Strong Interest Inventory), I get to know your interests, talents, and dreams right away so that we can start designing YOUR path.


2) Finding the right colleges for you.  Now that I know you, we’ll use my rich knowledge of colleges and universities and a suite of resources to find the places where you’d thrive most.  We will create a balanced list of 10-12 highly likely colleges, likely colleges, and highly unlikely colleges that meet your needs and float your boat!


3) Helping you put together solid applications.  I'll create a customized process and timeline so that you can convey to colleges who you are and what you want--all while minimizing stress and angst.


4) Deciding on the best fit.  I will help you evaluate your options and choose the college that will allow you to thrive most.  If you're game, I’ll keep in touch with you once you are there and help you navigate life as a college student.


This robust, effective process is tailored to each student and family.  Students use state-of-the-art software and customized spreadsheets to manage the college application process, and I provide expertise and enthusiasm throughout.  I'll put the focus where it should be--on you and your path to find the best, most engaging college for you.


As the college admissions process gets more complex and feels more haphazard, I am able to access proprietary databases that house datapoints from thousands of college applicants each year.  These databases allow me to look for patterns that may shed some light on college admissions.  My balanced list approach, though, ultimately means that students will, more than likely, find acceptance to several best-fit colleges. 

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I help students design THEIR path to college--whether it's a selective liberal arts college, a less traditional college with hands-on, experiential learning, or a larger research institution. 


Areas of particular interest are:

  • B students who are worried they're not going to get into college

  • ​Teens with anxiety or ADHD

  • Teens who are looking for more experiential, hands-on learning

  • Teens who are looking to transfer from 1) a four year college to a different four year college (because it wasn't a great fit) or 2) a community college to a four year college.


MGS Educational Consulting is committed to ensuring access to higher education.  Each year I work with several 1st generation students through local community-based organizations, ensuring their readiness for college, assisting them with their college applications, and coaching them during their first year of college.  

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MGSed is based in Westchester County, NY, but I'm happy to work virtually with families and students anywhere in the country.


Please contact me to learn more about how my services can help you.  You can also scroll down further and make an appointment directly on my Calendly (see below).

(914) 217-9984

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I offer a free 30 minute introductory consultation to students in grades 10-12 and their parents where I'll discuss my services and explain how my services can help.  Please find a time slot that works with your schedule (and please include your child if possible).  I look forward to talking with you!

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